This page was exported from IT certification exam materials [ ] Export date:Fri Mar 7 2:55:58 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: [Jul-2023] Updated and Accurate A00-231 Questions & Answers for passing the exam Quickly [Q151-Q174] --------------------------------------------------- [Jul-2023] Updated and Accurate A00-231 Questions & Answers for passing the exam Quickly Download Real A00-231 Exam Dumps for candidates. 100% Free Dump Files SASInstitute A00-231 certification exam is divided into several sections, each assessing a particular skill or area of knowledge. Some of these sections include data manipulation and transformation, data management, and data analysis. Candidates must be proficient in programming concepts, data handling and analysis, and statistical procedures to succeed in this certification exam.   NEW QUESTION 151When the following SAS program is submitted, the data set SASDATA.PRDSALES contains 5000 observations:libname sasdata ‘SAS-data-library’;options obs = 500;proc print data = sasdata.prdsales (firstobs = 100); run;options obs = max;proc means data = sasdata.prdsales (firstobs = 500); run;How many observations are processed by each procedure?  400 for PROC PRINT4500 for PROC MEANS  401 for PROC PRINT4501 for PROC MEANS  401 for PROC PRINT4500 for PROC MEANS  500 for PROC PRINT5000 for PROC MEANS NEW QUESTION 152Which is a valid LIBNAME statement?  libname “_SAS_data_library_location_”;  sasdata libname “_SAS_data_library_location_”;  libname sasdata “_SAS_data_library_location_”;  libname sasdata sas “_SAS_data_library_location_”; NEW QUESTION 153The following SAS program is submitted:data revenue;set year_1;var1 = mdy(1,15,1960);run;Which one of the following values does the variable named VAR1 contain?  14  15  1151960  ‘1/15/1960’ NEW QUESTION 154The following output is created by the FREQUENCY procedure:Which TABLES option(s) would be used to eliminate the row and column counts and just see the frequencies and percents?  norowcount nocolcount  freq percent  norow nocol  nocounts NEW QUESTION 155Given the following raw data record:—-I—-10—I—-20—I—-30son Travis,The following output is desired:Obs relation firstname1 son TravisWhich SAS program correctly reads in the raw data?  data family ( dIm = ‘,’); infile ’tile specification’; input relation $ firstname $; run;  options dIm = ‘,’; data family; infile ‘file specification’; input relation $ firstname $; run;  data family; infile ‘file specification’ dIm = ‘,’; input relation $ firstname $; run;  data family; infile ‘file specification’; input relation $ firstname $ / dim = ‘,’; run; NEW QUESTION 156The following SAS program is submitted:What is the value of the variable Prod in the output data set?  6  7  8  . (missing numeric) NEW QUESTION 157The following SAS program is submitted:data WORK.DATE_INFO;Day=”01″ ;Yr=1960 ;X=mdy(Day,01,Yr) ;run;What is the value of the variable X?  the numeric value 0  the character value “01011960”  a missing value due to syntax errors  the step will not compile because of the character argument in the mdy function. NEW QUESTION 158The following SAS program is submitted:data work.accounting;set work.dept1 work.dept2;jobcode = ‘FA1’;length jobcode $ 8;run;A character variable named JOBCODE is contained in both the WORK.DEPT1 and WORK.DEPT2 SAS data sets. The variable JOBCODE has a length of 5 in the WORK.DEPT1 data set and a length of 7 in the WORK.DEPT2 data set.What is the length of the variable JOBCODE in the output data set?  3  5  7  8 NEW QUESTION 159A SAS programmer assigns a library reference to an existing Excel workbook named exceldata.xlsx. Using a DATA step, the programmer attempts to create a worksheet named outdata in this Excel workbook. However, the Excel workbook already contains a worksheet named outdata.What will happen?  A second copy of the workbook named exceldata(2).xlsx. will be created with the new worksheet outdata.  A second worksheet outdata(2) will be added to the existing exceldata.xlsx workbook.  The program will overwrite the outdata worksheet in the exceldata.xlsx workbook.  The program will produce an error message indicating that the exceldata.xlsx workbook already exists. NEW QUESTION 160Given the raw data record DEPT:—-|—-10—|—-20—|—-30Printing 750The following SAS program is submitted:data bonus;infile ‘dept’;inputdept$ 1-11 number 13- 15;<insert statement here>run;Which SAS statement completes the program and results in a value of ‘Printing750’ for the DEPARTMENT variable?  department = dept II number;  department = left(dept) II number;  department = trim(dept) number;  department=trim(dept)||put(number,3.); NEW QUESTION 161Given the contents of the raw data file TYPECOLOR:—-I—-10—I—-20—I—-30DaisyyellowThe following SAS program is submitted:data flowers;infile ‘typecolor’;input type$ 1-5+1 color$;run;What are the values of the variables TYPE and COLOR?  type colordaisygreen  type colordaisy ellow  type colordaisyyellow” “(missing character value)  No values are stored for the TYPE and COLOR variables. NEW QUESTION 162The following SAS program is submitted:proc print data = sasuser.houses;run;proc means data =;run;Which one of the following OPTIONS statements resets the page number to 1 for the second report?  options pageno = 1;  options pagenum = 1;  options reset pageno = 1;  options reset pagenum = 1; NEW QUESTION 163Given the SAS data set WORK.ONE:The following SAS program is submitted:The data set WORK.TWO is created, where Day would be 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, … :Which expression successfully completed the program and creates the variable DAY?  day(BeginDate)  weekday(BeginDate)  dayofweek(BeginDate)  getday(BeginDate,today()) NEW QUESTION 164The following SAS program is submitted:proc freq data = class;tables gender * age / <insert option here>;run;The following report is created:The FREQ ProcedureTable of gender by ageRow ColumnGender ageFrequencyPercent Percent PercentF11110.0020.0050.0012220.0040.0040.0013220.0040.0066.67Total550.00100.00M11110.0020.0050.0012330.0060.0060,0013110.0020.0033.33Total550.00100.00Total11220.00100.0012550.00100.0013330.00100.00Total10100.00Which option correctly completes the program and creates the report?  LIST  NOCOLS  CROSSLIST  NOCROSSTAB NEW QUESTION 165Consider the following data step:In filtering the values of the variable X in data set WORK.OLD, what value new value would be assigned to X if its original value was a missing value?  X would get a value of 1.  X would get a value of 3.  X would retain its original value of missing.  This step does not run because of syntax errors. NEW QUESTION 166The following SAS program is submitted:data test;set chemists;jobcode = ‘Chem2’then description = ‘Senior Chemist’;else description = ‘Unknown’;run;The value for the variable JOBCODE is:JOBCODE————-chem2What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION?  chem2  Unknown  Senior Chemist  ‘ ‘ (missing character value) NEW QUESTION 167Which one of the following SAS DATA steps saves the temporary data set named MYDATA as a permanent data set?  libname sasdata ‘SAS-data-library’;data sasdata.mydata;copy mydata;run;  libname sasdata ‘SAS-data-library’;data sasdata.mydata;keep mydata;run;  libname sasdata ‘SAS-data-library’;data sasdata.mydata;save mydata;run;  libname sasdata ‘SAS-data-library’;data sasdata.mydata;set mydata;run; NEW QUESTION 168Given the following raw data records:The following output data set is desired:Which SAS program correctly reads in the raw data?  data employees; infile ‘file specification’dlm=’*’; input employee $ bdata: mmddyy10.years; run;  data employees; infile ‘file specification’dsd=’*’; input employee $ bdata mmddyy10.years; run;  data employees; infile ‘file specification’DLM dsd; input employee $ bdata mmddyy10.years; run;  data employees; infile ‘file specification’ dLM=’*’ dsd; input employee $ bdata: mmddyy10.years; run; NEW QUESTION 169Which program displays a listing of all data sets in the SASUSER library?  proc contents lib = sasuser.all; run;  proc contents data = sasuser.all; run;  proc contents lib = sasuser._alI_; run;  proc contents data = sasuser._all_; run; NEW QUESTION 170The following SAS program is submitted:What types of variables are DayOfMonth, MonthOfYear, and Year?  DayOfMonth, Year, and MonthOfYear are character.  DayOfMonth, Year, and MonthOfYear are numeric.  DayOfMonth and Year are numeric. MonthOfYear is character.  DayOfMonth, Year, and MonthOfYear are date values. NEW QUESTION 171The following SAS SORT procedure step generates an output data set:proc sort data = sasuser.houses out = report;by style;run;In which library is the output data set stored?  WORK  REPORT.  HOUSES  SASUSER NEW QUESTION 172Given the raw data file EMPLOYEE.TXT:The following SAS program is submitted:What value does the variable idnum contain when the name of the employee is “Ruth”?  33  22  39  44 NEW QUESTION 173CORRECT TEXTGiven the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME:Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT:The following program is submitted:How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?Enter your numeric answer in the space below. 2NEW QUESTION 174The following SAS program is submitted:libname temp ‘SAS data library’;data temp.sales;merge temp.saleswork.receipt;by names;run;The input data files are sorted by the NAMES variable:What is the result?  The program executes successfully and a temporary SAS data set is created.  The program executes successfully and a permanent SAS data set is created.  The program fails execution because the same SAS data set is referenced for both read and write operations.  The program fails execution because the SAS data sets on the MERGE statement are in two different libraries.  Loading … Prepare Important Exam with A00-231 Exam Dumps: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2023-07-18 15:08:23 Post date GMT: 2023-07-18 15:08:23 Post modified date: 2023-07-18 15:08:23 Post modified date GMT: 2023-07-18 15:08:23