This page was exported from IT certification exam materials [ ] Export date:Fri Mar 7 3:26:06 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Pass Adobe AD0-E717 Actual Free Exam Q&As Updated Dump Jun 25, 2024 [Q12-Q34] --------------------------------------------------- Pass Adobe AD0-E717 Actual Free Exam Q&As Updated Dump Jun 25, 2024 Latest AD0-E717 Actual Free Exam Updated 79 Questions Adobe AD0-E717 Exam Syllabus Topics: TopicDetailsTopic 1Identify when to call support *Yaml files and limitations (DIY vs Support tickets) Identify the basics of category management and products managementTopic 2Describe different types of attributes Describe how the ACL works with roles and resourcesTopic 3Apply changes to existing product types and create new ones Describe branching using the Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI toolTopic 4Identify Adobe commerce Cloud Plan capabilities Demonstrate the ability to manage Indexes and customize price outputTopic 5Describe plugin, preference, event observers, and interceptors Given a scenario, use a DB schema to alter a database table   QUESTION 12A merchant wants to include taxes In an Adobe Commerce store. Which option can have a tax class assigned to it?  Order  Shipping  Category According to the Adobe Commerce User Guide, a tax class can be assigned to either a product or a customer group in Adobe Commerce. A product tax class determines how a product is taxed, while a customer tax class determines how a customer is taxed based on their location and group membership. Shipping is considered as a product tax class in Adobe Commerce, and it can be assigned to different shipping methods or rates. The other options are not valid for assigning a tax class.In Adobe Commerce, tax classes can be assigned to products and shipping. Categories, however, do not have tax classes assigned to them directly. Tax classes applied to shipping allow merchants to specify how taxes should be calculated for shipping costs, making option B the correct answer. Orders and categories do not have direct associations with tax classes in the same way products and shipping do.QUESTION 13Which two attribute input types can be used for a date? (Choose two.)  Date  Timezone  Date and Time  Schedule ExplanationThe two attribute input types that can be used for a date are Date and Time and Date. These input types allow the user to select a date or a date and time from a calendar widget.The Timezone and Schedule input types do not exist in Adobe Commerce.Verified References: [Adobe Commerce User Guide – Create a product attribute]QUESTION 14Which is a correct CMS content element in Adobe Commerce?  Widget  Sheet  Image A widget is a CMS content element that can be used to display dynamic content on a page. Widgets can be used to display things like product reviews, social media feeds, or even custom content.In Adobe Commerce, widgets are a correct CMS content element. Widgets allow merchants to add dynamic data or content blocks to CMS pages, static blocks, and various other locations throughout the store’s layout without needing to directly edit the site’s code. Options B (Sheet) and C (Image) are not recognized CMS content elements in the context of Adobe Commerce’s terminology, making option A the correct answer.QUESTION 15How should a developer display a custom attribute on the category edit page in the admin panel when a new module Vendor.Category is created?  Create view/adminhtml/layout/catalog_category_edit xml in the module, and then define a block that would display the field for the attribute.  The field for the attribute will appear automatically.  Create view/adminhtml/ui_component/category_form.xml file in the module, and then define the field for the attribute. ExplanationTo display a custom attribute on the category edit page in the admin panel, a developer should create aview/adminhtml/layout/catalog_category_edit.xmlfile in the module and define a block that would display the field for the attribute.QUESTION 16On the Adobe Commerce Cloud Project Web Interface, what will be performed when clicking on the “Delete” button of an integration environment?  The environment is marked as “inactive”, the git branch is still present but the database is deleted.  The environment is completely deleted. Including git branch and database.  The environment is marked as “inactive”, the git branch and the database are still present. On the Adobe Commerce Cloud Project Web Interface, clicking on the “Delete” button of an integration environment will completely delete the environment, including the associated git branch and database. This action is irreversible and is used to remove an environment that is no longer needed. The environment, once deleted, frees up resources for the project and cannot be restored.QUESTION 17A developer found a bug inside a private method of a third party module class. How can the developer override the method?  Create a custom class with corrected logic, and define the class as preference in the preferences.xml.  Create a custom class with the corrected logic, and define the class as a preference for original one in the di xml.  Create a plugin, implement correct logic in the after” method, and then define the plugin in the di.xml. ExplanationTo override a private method in a third party module class, a developer can create a plugin. The plugin should implement theaftermethod, and the correct logic should be placed in theaftermethod. The plugin should then be defined in thedi.xmlfile.QUESTION 18An Adobe Commerce Cloud developer wants to check the staging environment deployments history (i.e. branch, git, merge, sync). Where can the developer look up the history of the staging environment?  Project Web Interface  New Relic  Adobe Commerce admin panel The Project Web Interface is the main dashboard for managing Adobe Commerce Cloud projects. This includes the ability to check the staging environment deployments history.The developer can look up the history of deployments to the staging environment, including branch, git merge, and sync operations, in the Project Web Interface. This interface provides a detailed log of all actions taken on the project, including deployments, enabling developers to track changes and troubleshoot issues that may arise.QUESTION 19Which file on an Adobe Commerce Cloud project allows a developer to upgrade the PHP version and enable/disable a PHP extension?  .magento. env. yaml  php.ini The .magento.env.yaml file is used on an Adobe Commerce Cloud project to customize the environment configuration, including the PHP version and enabling/disabling PHP extensions. This YAML configuration file provides the ability to manage service configurations and is essential for customizing the Cloud environment.QUESTION 20Which characteristic is associated with a persistent cart?  By default, a persistent cookie will become inactive in 30 days.  While using the persistent cart, guest users do not need to log in or register to checkout  While the customer is logged in, If the session cookie expires, the persistent cookie will remain active A persistent cart is a cookie that is stored on the customer’s computer. This cookie allows the customer to continue shopping even if they close their browser. If the customer is logged in, the persistent cookie will remain active even if the session cookie expires.Associated with a persistent cart in Adobe Commerce is the characteristic that while the customer is logged in, if the session cookie expires, the persistent cookie will remain active. This ensures that the customer’s shopping cart is preserved even if they have been inactive and the session has expired. The persistent cookie allows the cart to be restored when the customer returns to the store.QUESTION 21A developer defined a new table in db.schema.xml while creating a new module.What should be done to allow the removal of columns from the database when deleting them from db.schema.xml?  The removable columns should be defined in db_schema_whitelist.json.  The columns should have “removable” attribute set to “true” in the db.schema.xml.  The removable columns should be defined in db.schema_blacklist.json. ExplanationIf a developer wants to allow the removal of columns from the database when deleting them fromdb.schema.xml, they need to define the removable columns in thedb_schema_whitelist.jsonfile. This file will tell Magento which columns can be removed from the database.QUESTION 22Which property allows multiple cron jobs to share the same configuration?  name  group  schedule ExplanationThe group property allows multiple cron jobs to share the same configuration. The group property defines the name of the cron group that the cron job belongs to. A cron group can have common settings such as schedule, status, and error email recipients.Configure a custom cron job and cron group (tutorial) | Adobe CommerceQUESTION 23How should a grid or form be included in an admin page layout using the Ul Component?  <referenceContainername=’content”> q <uiComponentname=”example_listing.xml7></referenceContainer>  <referenceContainername=’contenf> q <uiComponent name=”example_listing7> </referenceContainer>  <referenceContainername=’content”><uiComponentname=”Vendor_Module::ul_component/example_listing.xml7> </referenceContainer> ExplanationTo include a grid or form in an admin page layout using the UI Component, a developer should use the following code:<referenceContainer name=”content”><uiComponent name=”Vendor_Module::ul_component/example_listing.xml” /></referenceContainer>QUESTION 24In which two directories are third-party modules located by default? (Choose two.)  vendor/  app/packages/  app/modules/  app/code/ ExplanationBy default, third-party modules are located in vendor/ or app/code/ directories. The vendor/ directory contains modules that are installed using Composer, while the app/code/ directory contains modules that are manually copied or cloned from a repository.QUESTION 25What does a URL Rewrite do?  It updates the URL that is stored on the server.  It changes the way a URL appears in the browser  It updates the URL to a domain that is not being Indexed. A URL Rewrite in Magento changes the way a URL appears in the browser. This is particularly useful for improving the readability and SEO of a URL. For example, a URL rewrite can be used to transform a long and complex URL into a shorter and more user-friendly version. It’s important to note that while a URL rewrite changes the URL’s appearance in the browser, it doesn’t change the actual location of the resource on the server. This distinction is crucial for understanding how Magento handles URL rewrites and redirects, facilitating a more intuitive navigation structure within the store without altering the underlying server resources.QUESTION 26What is one purpose of a customer data JS library?  It stores the customers credit card info for usage in the checkout.  It stores private customer data in local storage  It stores the customer’s username and password for easier frontend login. ExplanationThe customer data JS library is used to store private customer data in local storage. This data can be used to improve the customer’s experience on the store, such as by remembering their shipping address or their preferred payment method.QUESTION 27What does a URL Rewrite do?  It updates the URL that is stored on the server.  It changes the way a URL appears in the browser  It updates the URL to a domain that is not being Indexed. ExplanationA URL rewrite changes the way a URL appears in the browser. For example, a URL rewrite could be used to change the URL for a product from/product/1234to/product/my-product.QUESTION 28A seller would like to offer an electronic version of an album by selling each song individually. Which layout can be used to customize a product page layout for this item?  catalog_product_view_type_downloadable  catalog_product_view_type_configurable  catalog_product_view_category ExplanationThecatalog_product_view_type_downloadablelayout can be used to customize a product page layout for a downloadable product. This layout includes the product details, the product reviews, and the download links for the product’s files.QUESTION 29Which attribute option restricts Catalog EAV attributes to only certain product types?  apply_to  allowed_in ExplanationTheallowed_inattribute restricts Catalog EAV attributes to only certain product types. This attribute can be used to prevent certain attributes from being displayed on certain product types.QUESTION 30Under which section should the soft dependency for a module be listed in app/code/<Vendor>/<Module>/composer.json file?  suggest*: {  }optional”: {  }soft”: {  } ExplanationThe soft dependency for a module should be listed in thesoftsection oftheapp/code/<Vendor>/<Module>/composer.jsonfile.{“name”: “Vendor/Module”,“description”: “This is a sample module”,“type”: “magento2-module”,“version”: “1.0.0”,“require”: {“php”: “~7.3.0”,“magento/framework”: “^2.4.0”,“soft”: {“magento/module-catalog”: “^2.4.0”}}}QUESTION 31A developer is creating a class VendorModuleModelMyModeL How should that class be defined as transient in di.xml?  <type name=”VendorModuleModelMyModer transient=”true7>  <type name=”VendorModuleModelMyModer singleton=’false7>  <type name=’VendorModuleModelMyModer shared=”false7> ExplanationTo define a class as transient in di.xml, thetransientattribute should be set totrue.Code snippet<type name=”VendorModuleModelMyModel” transient=”true”>QUESTION 32What is the correct way to inject CMS block in a layout?  <block class=”MagentoCmsBlockBlock” name=”blockjdentifier”> <arguments> q <argumentname=”block_id”xsi:type=”string”>my_cms_block_identifier</argument> </arguments> </block>  <block class=”MagentoCmsBlockBlock” name=”block_identifier”> q <actionmethod=”setBlock’>my_cms_block_identifier</action> </block>  <referenceBlock name=”content”> <block class=”MagentoCmsBlockBlock” name=”block_identifier’ identifier=”my_cms_block_ldentrfier” /> </referenceBlock> The correct way to inject a CMS block into a layout in Adobe Commerce is by using the <block> element with the class MagentoCmsBlockBlock and specifying the block identifier through an <argument> element with the name “block_id”. This is shown in option A. The <block> tag defines the block class and name, and the <arguments> tag contains child <argument> tags for each argument, where the “block_id” argument specifies the identifier of the CMS block to be injected.QUESTION 33A developer would like to initialize a theme in Adobe Commerce. Which two files are required to complete this task? (Choose two.)  theme.less  registration.php  composerjson  themexml ExplanationThe two files that are required to initialize a theme in Adobe Commerce are registration.php and theme.xml.The registration.php file registers the theme in the system and assigns a unique name to it. The theme.xml file declares the theme’s title, parent theme, media directory, and preview image.The theme.less file is not required to initialize a theme, but it can be used to define global styles for the theme.The composer.json file is not required to initialize a theme, but it can be used to manage dependencies and packages for the theme.Verified References: [Adobe Commerce Developer Guide – Create a theme]QUESTION 34Which file is used to add a custom router class to the list of routers?  routes.xml  di.xml  config.xml ExplanationTheroutes.xmlfile is used to define the list of routers for Adobe Commerce. A custom router class can be added to the list of routers by adding a new entry to theroutes.xmlfile. Loading … Online Questions - Valid Practice AD0-E717 Exam Dumps Test Questions: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2024-06-25 12:03:24 Post date GMT: 2024-06-25 12:03:24 Post modified date: 2024-06-25 12:03:24 Post modified date GMT: 2024-06-25 12:03:24